About PriyaOriginals


Hi, I’m Priya Ramchandran. I’ve been an artist for over 30 years while pursuing a full-time career in the safe and practical world of business. I specialize in custom home and venue portraits done in sketch or illustration style using ink and watercolor, digital, and mixed media. I have worked with non-profits and small businesses, wineries and retail venues, homeowners, and brides on everything from hand drawn portraits to collections of art, maps, postcards, and merchandise.

Drawing and painting from an early age. I capture the ephemeral nature of the ever-changing world in my distinctive gestural style. My tools of choice are pen and ink, gouache, and acrylics, which I enhance with explorations in new techniques and materials. My inspirations are as simple as the plants and trees in my garden, and as varied as the people, animals, and places I see in my travels and imagination.

In 2020, I took on the ambitious task of creating the first ever Greater Sacramento Alphabet, and most recently in 2023, the Amador County Alphabet, which won a blue ribbon (first place in its category) at the Amador County Fair (July 2023).

Current projects: I keep a book of favorite quotes collected over the years which I have started illustrating (prints available for purchase in my shop). I am writing and illustrating my original haiku (poems). I am also collaborating with an author to provide the imagery for her book of poems.

Interested in a fine art commission? Do reach out to me at priya@priyaoriginalsart.com